Building, Reconstructing and Repairing the Sidewalk Network

We all use sidewalks in our daily lives to access schools, businesses and parks and to visit friends and neighbors. Having a safe and connected sidewalk network means everyone gets around with greater ease! Unfortunately, in Denver, there are many sidewalks in need of repair and about 40% of our sidewalk network is either missing or too narrow. We’re about to fix that!

With a new fee approved by voters, Denver will begin creating a comprehensive program to repair hazardous sidewalks, reconstruct sidewalks that are deficient, and build sidewalks where they’re missing. Since everyone benefits from a complete sidewalk network, all Denver property owners will pay the fee.

Walkable neighborhoods with good sidewalks are the foundation of a complete transportation system. Reconstructing, repairing and building out the sidewalk network will make Denver more equitable, safer, and connect everyone to all the amazing amenities that make our city special.
Once fully built out, Denver’s sidewalk network will be approximately 3,489 miles – about the distance from Denver to New York City and back again!

New Sidewalk Fee in 2025

In 2025, the new fee for sidewalks will be included on people’s bi-annual stormwater bills, with half the annual sidewalk fee assessed the first half of the year and second half of the sidewalk fee assessed the second half of the year.

Amendments made to the sidewalk ordinance passed by voters in November 2022 will result in approximately 96% of all property owners being charged a flat fee of $150 annually.

Property owners with more than 230 linear feet of sidewalk, with a higher impact on the sidewalk network, will pay the $150 base rate and an additional “impact fee” of $3.50 for every foot over 230 linear feet.

At locations where sidewalks don’t currently exist, property owners will pay either the flat fee or flat fee with impact fee, based on the length of the public right of way where a future sidewalk will be constructed.

Use our fee lookup tool to confirm your sidewalk charge in 2025 based on your address and property frontage.

Affordability Program

Denver’s sidewalk program provides a way for property owners to apply for an instant rebate on their sidewalk fee based on income and household size. Property owners already receiving the instant rebate for solid waste management services will automatically receive the sidewalk rebate as well and need not re-apply.

What To Expect

Timing of Sidewalk Construction, Reconstruction and Repairs

Denver’s sidewalk program is not an on-demand repair program. We do not currently have a timeline for when specific segments of sidewalks will be installed or fixed. As the city begins to receive revenue from the sidewalk fee in 2025, DOTI will develop a master plan as required by the ordinance that will include an initial investment plan. Updates will be provided on this website. Currently, the department is seeking Requests for Qualifications for program management support and hiring a program director.

Reporting major sidewalk damage

While DOTI stands up the city’s new sidewalk program, people can report major sidewalk damage on Denver’s Online Services Hub. DOTI will inspect and triage reports received and those that meet certain criteria will be placed on a spot repair program. Examples of sidewalk issues that may be addressed in the spot repair program include:

  • adjoining sections of sidewalk with an elevation difference greater than one inch
  • adjoining sections of sidewalk with gaps greater than one inch
  • extensive raveling and major breaking

Major sidewalk damage reports inspected by DOTI and that meet spot repair program criteria can be viewed on this map along with their status

New sidewalks

Denver will continue to install new sidewalks in 2025, filling gaps in the network and working to complete its Elevate and Rise Bond Program commitments.

Read the full story at along with a list of frequently asked questions.