It is the law in Denver for any property offered for rent for 30 days or more to have applied for or received a residential rental license. The licensing program is part of Denver’s drive to achieve minimum residential rental housing standards.

The City and County of Denver wants to make it easy for landlords to get a required residential rental license. Continued education remains our priority. Landlords who do not get a license are eligible for fines and citations.

Unlicensed landlords found by the city receive a notice of violation warning letter, followed by fines of $150, $500 and $999 if a landlord does not get the required license.

As part of the City’s ongoing outreach efforts, two free in-person overview and question-and-answer sessions about the program as well as one-on-one application support will be held before the end of the year. No RSVP is required. If a landlord has received a notice of violation warning letter or a fine and needs help taking the next steps to get in compliance with Denver law, they can attend the in-person sessions to receive assistance.

The meetings will be held on:

Be sure to review the inspector checklist, inspector list and application requirements for general information. There is also a substantial frequently asked questions section on our website.

Share this message with any other stakeholders and encourage them to sign up for the residential rental property informational bulletin to receive news and updates as they become available.

The Department of Excise and Licenses is now on LinkedIn. This platform enhances the Department’s ability to reach more Denver businesses, consumers and stakeholders that are impacted by license regulations. The page provides newsworthy Denver business information, including licensing trends, updates about changes to regulations, alerts about new programs to support businesses and opportunities for the community to participate in the licensing approval process. Check out the page and give us a follow.